The exhibitors at IndoBuildTech Expo strongly represent the building and finishing material industries that provide corporate and professional customers as well as individual end-users with solutions to their needs for high quality products and services.
Exhibitors engage in direct interactions with the visitors coming to their booths for product information update and getting to know the new features that will lead tonegotiation, product purchase and business networking.
Indonesian and overseas exhibitors are presenting their latest series of products, each with comparative advantages in term of product quality, design, and even special pricing at Indobuildtech that altogether will provide the visitors with more benefits. Moreimportantly, visitors will be able to get the solution in need for building and finishing materials with specific requirementsin type, measure, models, materials, design, quality and even pricing for building or housing construction projects.
Sales Inquiries :
Mr. Didik : +62 81311050189 /
Mr. Alfin : +62 818192270 /
Mr. Surya : +62 87821311567 /